
英作文でよく使える便利な表現アイキャッチ 入試対策




■ 英作文問題を解く上でのポイント

It for to構文を使う

It is 形容詞 for 人 to 原形動詞 「 ~することは(形容詞)だ」
(例)①It is a lot of fun for me to play soccer.
②It is very important to study English.


・I can (am able to) learn many things from it (them).

want toを使う

・ want to ~ = would like to ~ 「~したい」
(例)I would like to talk about my school.


・We can enjoy ~ing 「わたしたちは~することを楽しむことができる。」
(例)We can enjoy swimming in the sea.

want to be ~in the futureを使う

I want to be ~ in the future. 「わたしは将来~になりたい。」
= My dream is to be ~ .

My favotite+名詞 is~を使う

・My favorite (    ) is ~ 「わたしのお気に入りの(   )は~です。」
(例)My favorite subject is English.
My favorite sport is tennis.

be a member ofを使う

be a member of ~ = belong to ~ 「~の一員です。/ ~に所属しています。」
(例)I am a member of the baseball team(club).
I belong to the baseball team (club).

be good atを使う

be good at ~ing 「~するのが得意(上手)」
(例)I am good at speaking English.
She is good at playing the piano.

make A Bを使う

・make A B 「AをBにする」
(例)It makes me happy. / It makes me excited.



例題① What do you like to do in your free time? この質問に対する答えを25語以上の英文で述べよ。

What do you like to do? 「何をすることが好きですか。」と聞かれているので、
I like to ~ because ~ . の形から始める。

I like to read books in my free time because I can learn many things from it. It is a lot of fun for me to read books. I often go to the library with my friends.


My favorite sport is baseball. I was a member of the baseball team in junior high school. It is a lot of fun for me to play baseball with my friends. I am good at playing it, so I want to be a baseball player in the future.

I often go to the park to play baseball with my friends.


My favorite subject is English because it is a lot of fun for me to speak English. I often watch movies in English. Also, I want to be a member of the English club in high school.


  • I want to go to America to study English someday.
  • I want to be an English teacher in the future.
  • It makes me happy.
  • I think that to study English is very important because English is used by many people in the world. 「わたしは英語を勉強することはとても重要だと思います、なぜなら世界中でたくさんの人に使われているからです。」
  • I am going to study English very hard.


  • What do you want to be in the future?
  • What’s your favorite (   ) ?
  • What do you like to do on Sunday?
  • What do you do in your free time?

