


・同じ意味になるように(  )に適語を埋めよ。



【問1】次の文を同じ意味になるように書き換えた時、(   )内に入る語句を答えなさい。
(1) Kenji is a friend of mine.
=Kenji is one of (   )(   ).

(2) She has no sisters.
=She (   ) have (   ) sisters.

(3) Are these her notebooks ?
=Are these notebooks (   ) ?

(4) Does she go to school on foot ?
=Does she (   )(   ) school ?

(5) What is the date today ?
=What day (   )(   )(   ) is it today ?

(6)Please teach me Japanese.
=Please teach (   )(   ) me .

(7)English is interesting to me. 
=I am interested (   ) English.

(8) My sister can play the piano very well.
=My sister (   )(   )(   ) play the piano very well.

(9) Alice plays the piano very well.
=Alice is very (   )(   ) playing the piano .

(10) I like this book the best of all the books.
=I like this book (   ) than (   )(   ) book.



(1)=Kenji is one of (my)(friends).

(2)=She (doesn’t) have (any) sisters.

(3)=Are these notebooks (hers) ?

(4) =Does she (walk)(to) school ?

(5) =What day (of)(the)(month) is it today ?

(6)Japanese to

「make 人+物」=「make 物 for 人」
(例文)I bought you a present . = I bought a present for you.

「give 人+物」=「give 物 to 人」
(例文)I gave you a present . = I gave a present to you.

・be interested in ~ (~に興味がある)
・be filled with ~(~で満たされている)
・be covered with ~(~に覆われている)

・be surprised at 名詞(~に驚く) be surprised to 原形動詞(~して驚く)
I was surprised at the news.
I was surprised to hear the news.
・be known to ~(~に知られている) be known for ~(~で知られている)
He is known to everyone.
This city is known for its beauty.
・be made of 材料(~で作られている) be made from 原料(~から作られている)
This desk is made of wood.
Wine is made from grapes.

(8)is able to

(9)good at

・How about ~ing(~はどうですか?)
・be good at ~ing (~するのがじょうず「得意」である)
・Thank you for ~ing (~してくれてありがとう)
・look forward to ~ing (~するのを楽しみに待つ)

(10)better / any other

比較級+than any other +単数名詞 ほかのどの~よりも
(例文)He is taller than any other boy in his class.(訳)彼はクラスのほかのどの少年よりも背が高い。

